Front Line Evangelism/Teaching English

North Africa

#33037 | 2 Students | May 28 – July 20

$2,950 + Airfare & Insurance

Share Truth on the front lines of NAME through our cultural exchange program. Meet English-speaking Arab college students, study Arabic, and immerse yourself in the culture of one of NAME’s largest cities. You’ll be a learner, a partner, a sower, and a friend. The harvest is plenty. Come and work the field!

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There is a range of cultural expression in our city, conservative to more liberal, traditional to modern. One way this expresses itself is in the varied ways that people dress. Men may range from a traditional galabeya to sweats and a t-shirt. Women may range from fully covered to jeans and a t-shirt. As a team, we try to find a middle ground that makes sense for a foreigner to adopt. For guys, we tend to dress up a bit more than we would in the States. Sweats or shorts are ok if you're going to the gym, but are too casual for most day to day activities. Think jeans/pants and a polo/button up. Ladies, you won't need to cover your head, but will need to be sure you dress respectfully. Think long skirts or jeans/pants with a top that has at least 3/4 length sleeves. Nothing tight fitting. Living in a majority Muslim context, the way you interact with the opposite gender will be different than what you are used to. While there will be some contexts in which a mixed gender group will be appropriate, generally you will hang out with and minister to people of your same gender. Any English teaching certification is a plus, but not necessary. We can train you for your role.
HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS: Severe allergies or chronic asthma will not eliminate you from this position, but you should have a good handle on your symptoms and medication. It can be quite dusty here, and air pollution is an issue. Don't let this dissuade you though. We have career workers that deal with both allergies and asthma. But we do want you to be aware. There will be extensive walking in extreme heat.  


Summer Sports Camp


Front Line Evangelism/Cultural Study