“There is a world full of people who don't have hope. They think they know what can satisfy them and give them purpose, but they always end up feeling empty or confused or anxious. They need hope. They need Jesus. But how are they to know that if someone doesn't tell them? And how will someone tell them if someone doesn't first go? God has commanded us to go and tell others about the hope He offers. Why wait?”

— Emily Boyd, MSU

“Serve boldly! Trust God above all else. He will provide. He is faithful all the time and there is so much you can learn about God and yourself by doing missions and responding to His call!”

— Isaac Sivils, Co-Lin/MSU

“I learned that God works in the simple and mundane. A simple gesture led to gospel presentation, a planted seed, and a new friendship. I experienced boldness and calmness in stressful, uncertain situations and conversations because of the Lord's presence and His promises.”

— Kacey Williams, MCC

“I am weak and insufficient in myself, but God is glorified in my weakness. Only He could prepare me for this summer and work in ways hard to explain to those who did not witness it.”

— Sadie Taylor, UM

“Being a student missionary teaches you so much about yourself. It reveals to you your strengths and weaknesses. It shows you where the Lord is calling you, or maybe where He isn't calling you. I found the experience to be very eye-opening and humbling. Every student should dedicate a period of their life to mission work at some point, and summer missions is the perfect time to do that.”

— Chloe Darden, USM

“God wants all to be saved and we are called to play a part in His plan of salvation for the world. Let’s not keep this great gift to ourselves.”

— Jenna Landers, BMCU

“Something I learned about God is that He will move in ways that you least expect and He will use anyone who is willing to be used. Something I learned about myself is that I just need to be obedient and trust that the Lord will open doors that need to be opened.”

— Vanessa Martinez, MSU

“Serving as a student missionary opened my eyes to how God LOVES the nations--not just me and my nation! I am now more sensitive and more aware of the need to share the gospel at home and away!”

— Alli Dupree, UM